Knives, Planes, and School.

Matt C Barnes
3 min readSep 25, 2023

Why purpose must drive.

I have a great knife. It doesn’t cut anything, but it’s a great knife.

No. What I have is not a knife.

I have an awesome airplane. It doesn’t fly, but it’s an awesome plane.

No. What I have is not a plane. Perhaps it’s a model or it used to be a plane. But, if it doesn’t fly, it’s not a plane.

Now, for you parents — or would-be parents — out there, consider this:

Your child goes to a great school. He likes his friends and recess, but he doesn’t like to learn. In fact, he’d prefer to cheese-grate his thighs rather than learn in school. The question is this: Is your child in a school?

No. Your child is not in a school. At best he is in a warehouse.

Purpose always drives definitions.

A knife that doesn’t cut is not a knife.

A plane that doesn’t fly is not a plane.

And, for the sake of your child, stop calling a place that doesn’t inspire a love of learning a “school.”

Survey after survey confirms that the vast majority of kids do not love learning in school. It’s time for us all to question school’s purpose.

New Tools for a New World

In the history of the world, the tools for learning have never been more vast. Pause and consider how brain-bending this truth is!

  1. 1000 years ago, a person had to go to clergy to understand scripture, science, and, well, everything.
  2. 100 years ago, a person had to go to a teacher to learn to read or apprentice to learn how to lay brick.
  3. 10 years ago, a person could go to YouTube or Google.

Today, a person can use all of the above OR they could use LinkedIn to find an expert to interview — like my 17-year-old daughter did here and here. And let’s not forget that they could also ask ChatGPT. (Love it or hate it, it’s an amazing tool).

The Purpose: Love

Although the tools for learning have never been more vast, for most kids, the desire to learn is scarce.

The purpose of education must be a love of learning. Full Stop.

Yet, “love” has been thoroughly choked, stabbed, bludgeoned, and hog-tied by well-meaning curriculum writers (and less-well-meaning testing companies).

But there is a way to grow a desire to learn in any child or adult… but you’ll never see it in school. It’s called “Learning Journeys.”

The best “school” is a series of Learning Journeys that are co-created with the unique needs and interests of the learner, family, and community. Here’s an example of how: Creating a Dream Map with your Child

Questions for Parents:

Q1: What Learning Journey would you or your child most like to go on?

Q2: Would that journey inspire a desire to learn more?

Q3: Could that journey include all of the subjects covered in traditional school (and many more that are not)?

Last Question: Would you like free help making the transition? If so, follow me at EducationExplained or email me directly with your questions at

All my services are free thanks to Dave Ramsey* and my Patreon followers.

*In 1998, Dave Ramsey taught me how to manage our finances… and now I can do whatever the hell I want with my time. #freedom



Matt C Barnes

Parenting is the ultimate career. All other careers exist to support the ultimate career.